Compucat Technologies offers Website HostingNetwork SolutionsDomain RegistrationSecurity SystemsWebsite DesigningTelecommunicationsComputer TrainingInternet & Cable TVIT SolutionsSoftware Solutions Services
Compucat Technologies started in 2003 is an associate of Milan Cable Television who is the pioneer of the Entertainment, Broadcasting and Information Technology in Arusha with the long list to its credit as 1st Cable Television Network (25 KM) in Arusha in 1993, Advanced Computer Training 2000, 1st Cable Television in Zanzibar 2000, Computer Sales IT Solutions 2003, Software Solutions 2003 and Internet Solutions 2004 Telecommunications 2005

Compucat Technologies
Our aim at Compucat is to provide first-class customer service via our dedicated and fully trained Customer Services team. Offering a professional and friendly service, our fully trained staff ensures we offer the highest level of service at all times in order to meet our customer’s varied needs. Our newly formed Customer Services team is a one-stop shop so whether you’re looking to place an order, make a return, change delivery details or resolve an issue; you can now do all this via the same agent and through the one department. Now that’s worth shouting about!